Program Business
Long Island Select Contractors Group
Edwards and Company is excited to announce its new partnership with a strategic market focused on Long Island contractors. This product has been designed to provide unique risk management resources to select construction segments in our region. Our focus is on mid to large size contractors with a commitment to safety and the need for comprehensive risk management resources. Our program has 3 goals : promoting safety, preventing risks and reducing long-term costs
Program Highlights
- PRIMARY LIMITS -Limits available on Gneral Liability of $1MM per occurrence/$2MM aggregate as well as $2MM per occurrence/$4MM aggregate with up to $5MM of excess coverage. Coverage written on an admitted basis
- SUPPORTING LINES - Capable of writing Auto, Inland Marine, Property and Workers Compensation all on an admitted basis
- OCPs - OCP policies are available with limits up to $5MM in support of General Liability
- KEY REQUIRED FORMS - These commonly requested endorsements are standard in our program:
– Aggregate limit per jobsite – CG2503
– Blanket WOS – GL990078
– Primary & Non-Contributory Wording – CG2001
– Blanket AI – Ongoing Operations – CG2038 (removes privity wording)
– Blanket AI – Completed Operations – CG2037
– Blanket AI – Leased or Rented Equipment – CG2034
– Blanket AI – Engineers or Architects not engaged by you – CG2032
- HEALTH AND SAFETY TRAINING - An Education Center that is devoted towards construction specifc Risk management topics and issues
- DEDICATED RISK MANAGEMENT - We provide experience and construction focus loss control professions
Targeted Risk Appetites
- GENERAL CONTRACTORS - Design & Build. Can provide coverage for direct labor
- Road Construction & Site Development
- Excavation & Site Development
- Mechanical Contractors
- Plumbing
- Electrical Contractors
- Flat concrete work
Underwriting Contact:
Kevin C. Rogers
President | Chief Executive Officer
(P): 631.472.8404 – Direct Dial
Roofers Edge

The Roofers Edge is a quality and very competitive insurance program provided EXCLUSIVELY By Edwards and Company for roofing contractors that are established and have a serious attitude towards job site safety. This program is currently available in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.
Program Includes:
- Blanket Additional Insured (For Ongoing & Completed Operations)
- Blanket Waiver of Subrogation
- Primary & Non-Contributory Wording
- No Exclusions for NYLL
- Liability Limits of $1MM/$2MM and $2MM/$4MM
- Admitted & Non-Admitted Paper
- Covers both Residential & Commercial Roofing Exposures
- Per Project Aggregate
Program Manager:
George S Rogers III
Senior Vice President
(P): 631.472.8479 – Direct Dial
George Rogers is an active member of the National Roofing Contractors Association and was appointed as the Risk Manager & Technical Advisor to the NY State Roofing Contractors Association. In addition, he currently insures over 100 roofing companies in the tri-state area.
If you feel you are a true roofing professional with an excellent claim history, please contact us today. The Roofers Edge is an exclusive program available only through Edwards and Company, Insurance Since 1865.
Welding Supply / Distributors (GAWDA/WDPG)
The Gas and Welding Supply Distributors Association (GAWDA) along with The Welding Distributors Partnering Group Program (WDPG) is pleased to announce that they have named Edwards and Company as the Exclusive Insurance Broker for the WDPG Insurance Program in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Florida, and New Mexico.
The WDPG® program is designed to address the commercial insurance needs of WDPG members and non-members whose primary products are welding gases and supplies. Operations may also include gas distribution, acetylene manufacturing, service and repair of welding equipment, sale and rental of cylinders, delivery of gas in cylinders and bulk, and some sales of medical supplies and fire extinguishing equipment. Expected gases would include acetylene, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, map gases, LPG and nitrous oxide. the program is flexible and can address the diverse needs of large and small distributors. Other operations that are owned or operated by WDPG® prospects may be considered if their hazards are acceptable.
Premier Program For Welding Supply Distributors
- Competitive Pricing through the WDPG® Program
- Direct Bill Plan
- Group purchasing power, so you are guaranteed up- front discounts
- Customized comprehensive coverage (including access to NationWeld RRG)
- Long term stable partner for your business & industry
Expanded Pollution Coverages
Escaped Gas pollution endorsement is attached to provide coverage for losses arising from the unintended escape of compressed gases you handle.
- Limited Welding fume coverage
- Enhanced coverage for clean-up of pollutants that escape on your premises.
- MCS-90: Including Auto Broad From Pollution
- “UP-GRADE TO GREEN” on Property
Underwriting Contact:
Ronald D’Alessandro
Senior Vice President
(P): 631.472.8472 – Direct Dial
Our mission is to be set apart from our competition by providing an excellent level of knowledge and service to our clients and ultimately be the insurance manager of choice to the business community. Edwards and Company’s unique corporate design gives you unparalleled single-course access to a complete array of solutions from our strategic partnerships – and a corresponding, comprehensive service model that is not just convenient, but responsive to your needs as a client. As a firm, Edwards and Company is committed to excellence and the continuous improvement in its business processes. This combination of technical advancement, organizational intelligence and personal commitment enables Edwards and Company to provide new solutions to its clients’ insurance needs quickly, in an increasingly fast paced and complex business environment.
Edwards Mission Statement